Doctorate of Business Administration - Edgewood College
24 Months
Full time
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USD 22,500
The most cost-effective DBA program in the U.S. It's tailored for mid to senior-level executives who want a deep understanding of modern management theory. You'll finish with either a focused thesis or practical research, giving you expert knowledge in your field.
Program Benefits
- Complete the program in just 24 months
- Doctorate in the domain and topic of your choice
- Scholarships of up to 50%
- Earn the reputed “Dr.” title in just 24 months
- Doctorate designed for working professionals
- Edgewood College alumni status
- 1:1 thesis supervision
- 24x7 student support available
- Higher Learning Commission Accredited
- Dissertation workshops
- Concentration selection workshops
- A pool of International thesis supervisors and the subject matter experts
Ideal Students
Who Is This Program For?
The DBA program addresses the learning needs and objectives of senior business managers, consultants, entrepreneurs, and academicians. Its primary objective is to produce graduates who can contribute to the advancement of their professions and to the expansion of knowledge and awareness of contemporary strategic issues and practices.
Scholarships and Funding
Scholarships of up to 50% for up to 350 applicants.
DBUS 901 | Introduction to Academic Scholarship and Doctoral Studies in Business
This course provides an overview of academic scholarship and prepares the doctoral student for performing business research. Students use critical thinking models and practices, including the role of assumptions, to identify business problems.
DBUS 902 | Analyzing Behavior in Organizations
This course builds on students’ prior learning about human behavior in an organizational setting. The application of techniques for individual and organizational growth is evaluated with the intent of further developing critical-thinking skills.
DBUS 903 | Corporate Social Responsibility
This course will consider the actions business organizations can take aimed at benefiting society. It will also explore new and emerging sustainable business strategies that create a competitive advantage to support organizations.
DBUS 904 | Executive Supply chain strategy and negotiations
The course is designed to help students learn how to identify, dissect, and answer strategic management problems. To remedy the crucial challenges facing organizations, students will research, analyze, and evaluate solutions.
DBUS 910 | Financial Decision-Making and Value Creation
In this course, students will build upon their knowledge of managerial finance to measure and manage the risk and value of investment opportunities including equity investments, fixed-income investments, financing vehicles, and special topics.
DBUS 920 | Qualitative Research
In this course learn what constitutes qualitative research, and how to apply qualitative research methods. This involves students identifying appropriate qualitative research plans, developing research questions, conducting a planned analysis, and communicating their findings.
DBUS 921 | Quantitative Analysis I: Quantitative Research and Analysis
This course explains the application of quantitative analytical techniques to problems in business. The programming language R will be introduced.
DBUS 922 | Quantitative Analysis II: Applied Regression Analysis
Applied Regression Analysis will focus on the estimation of various regression models. It reviews regression methodology, assumptions of the framework, and corrections for violations of the assumptions with an emphasis on practical skills.
DBUS 905 | Effective Organizational Leadership
This course presents theories, methods, and models of organizational leadership. Students will assess the performance of an organization and devise a plan for continual improvement and systematic innovation.
DBUS 961 | Leading Change
In this course, learners analyze the literature on the leadership concepts surrounding changing employee behaviors, enterprise agility, agile workforce transformation, and leading complex change.
DBUS 973 | Managerial Economics
Applications of microeconomic theory to problems of formulating managerial decisions. Emphasis on economics as a science that facilitates decision-making.
DBUS 948 | Applied Doctoral Research Proposal - I
Students apply the fundamentals of research writing, and how the principles of business research writing will be followed in the applied doctoral research deliverable.
DBUS 949 | Applied Doctoral Research Proposal - II
This part of the proposal contains a synthesis of sufficient academic and business literature to support the need to address the proposed business problem/question.
DBUS 950 | Applied Doctoral Research: Findings and Conclusions
In this deliverable, the students will need to report the findings based on the analysis of collected data.
DBUS 951 | Applied Doctoral Research Defense and Completion
Based on the conclusions about the findings of the study, the students will be expected to recommend solutions that can be used to address the problem/question. The student will also be expected to prepare an execution plan.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Academic/Career Support
- Career coaching calls
- Mentorship calls
- Thesis supervisor calls
- Pit stop sessions for query resolution and networking
English Language Requirements
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