Course: Fashion Business - Online Lessons
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USD 189 / per year *
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* per year. We also offer a recurring monthly subscription rate of US$19.95 per month.
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What is the University of Fashion?
The University of Fashion works very differently than most fashion design schools. We don’t charge a separate tuition fee for each individual class you take. Instead, we give you 24/7, on-demand access to all of our many hundreds of full-length video lessons for a low yearly subscription fee.
UoF’s lessons are taught exclusively by fashion school professors and industry professionals, never by amateurs. You’ll see the exact same lectures and "how-to" demonstrations taught by the best fashion schools, but without rigid class times at inconvenient locations. Instead, you decide what, when and where you want to learn.
The University of Fashion offers lessons in all the major fashion disciplines: draping, pattern making, CAD pattern making, accessories, sewing, fashion art, knits, business, product development, lectures, CAD fashion art, childrenswear and more.
Most schools charge a big tuition fee to teach a single fashion subject in a particular fashion discipline, like sewing or pattern making. At the University of Fashion, you will pay a lot less to access every fashion subject in every discipline!
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Fashion Business - Online Lessons
The business of fashion combines creative thinking with analytical skills. Our business lessons include videos directed to retail buyers, merchandisers and marketers. They provide a solid foundation for those wishing to start their own retail, manufacturing or design business, including crucial knowledge about retail math, profit & loss, creating a merchandise plan, branding, licensing and marketing.
If you’re new to the fashion business, start with Basic Math Concepts, Understanding Retail Profit & Loss and Creating a Retail Merchandise Plan. Then, tackle our licensing series, followed by our marketing and branding videos. Finish up with our 3-part Fashion Start-Up 101 series.
Preview of a Typical UoF Fashion Business Lesson
Fashion Startup 101 – The Fundamentals
Just a Few of the Many Lessons Offered in this Discipline
Plus Size: Models, Illustrators, Designers and More
This lesson will teach you about plus-size models, illustrators, designers and more. The plus size fashion industry extends far beyond the clothes themselves. Some key players form the foundation for plus size fashion which includes prominent models in the media advocating for body positivity, as well as all of the illustrators, independent designers, and boutiques that cater to all the different design facets of the industry.
Fashion Branding
Learn from our industry pro what it means to be a “brand”. You will learn the psychology behind creating a successful brand and why it is important to get your brand name trademarked. In addition, you will learn about different branding strategies to give your product a unique identity so that you can achieve a competitive advantage over your competition.
Fashion Marketing in the 21st Century
Building on our Introduction to Marketing lesson, this lesson addresses issues that confront a marketer in the 21st Century. You will learn about how social media and social issues affect the marketing mix, how technological forces to aid in the promotion of fashion products and what role the fashion industry plays as it relates to social responsibility. After this lesson, check out our lessons on licensing.
The University of Fashion offers many, many more lessons in Fashion Business. Check them out by clicking the Lessons tab on our homepage at UniversityofFashion.com.
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