Master of Business Administration
Johannesburg, South Africa
2 Years
Full time
29 Sep 2024
14 Oct 2024
ZAR 215,430
Distance Learning
The JBS online Master of Business Administration (MBA) is fully online and offers electives to suit your area of expertise. The elective streams include subjects in Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation, Leadership and Digital Transformation. The initial focus of this MBA will fall on finding your purpose. You will then learn the skills and requirements to be a master in your field, with a solid understanding of national and international trends.
The faculty members are “professors of practice” and have a practical approach, providing students with the knowledge and skills needed to grow a business. Students selected for this programme also will benefit from exposure to networks across the globe.
There is no thesis but rather a capstone project that requires the student to unpack a real-life business challenge they may have experienced, working with a supervisor to come up with a workable solution.
Two MBA modules (a 5-credit module and a 10-credit module) will run concurrently over a seven-week period and the programme is split over two years. The MBA programme consists of core modules, three elective modules, and a capstone project which is an independent study module. The fees for the MBA include textbooks (ebooks).
Healthcare Management Modules
The Healthcare Management modules include the following: Economics in healthcare management; Legislation and ethics in the healthcare sector; Big data and analytics in healthcare; International study module; Systems for healthcare operations management; Innovation in healthcare management; and Fundamentals of healthcare operations management (a compulsory module for students specialising in healthcare).
- People Management in the New World of Work
- Competitive Strategy: Winning in the Digital Marketplace
- Accounting
- Financial Management
- Operations and Supply Chain Management in the Digital Age
- Contemporary Management A
- Contemporary Management B
- Advanced E-Commerce Platforms for Entrepreneurship
- Advanced Digital Marketing
- Leadership in the Digital Economy
- Ethics in the Digital Economy
- Consulting Skills
- Quantitative Methods and Data Analytics
- Capstone Project Concept
- Capstone Project Proposal
- Capstone Project Milestone 1
- Capstone Project Milestone 2
- Capstone Project Report
- Elective 1
- Elective 2
- Elective 3