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Universidad Rey Juan Carlos Executive Master of Permanent Training in Creative Economy Executive Modality
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Executive Master of Permanent Training in Creative Economy Executive Modality

6 up to 12 Months

Spanish, English

Full time

Request application deadline

Sep 2024

EUR 5,000 *

Distance Learning

* price for non-resident non-community students is just approximate since then each academic rate is different.


In the new scenario of the Creative Economy, we are faced with new challenges that mark the future of our young people and society in general. A new Creative Economy that goes beyond the Cultural and Creative Industries, to focus on the processes of urban and territorial transformation, which already speak to us of a true mutation of systems. This transformation process is totally necessary and irreversible in the face of the new reality generated by COVID-19 and already started in the previous financial crisis of 2007.

In this new scenario, a new leadership model is needed that understands creativity and innovation as the main strategic resources of our companies, cities, and territories. New governance that repositions our cities and territories and that favors transformation processes towards new economic, social, cultural, and environmental paradigms.

We are talking about a new system that understands culture as a transversal sector of the entire economy, which adds value due to its differential character, which energizes and reinvents it through technology, offering important employment opportunities and quality of life in our cities. and territories.

That is why we understand that the "Executive" Master in Creative Economy: Creative Industries Management and Sustainable Urban Transformation, focused on managers and professionals in Culture, Development and Urban and Territorial Management, Tourism, and Innovation, is fundamentally a training essential today and of first necessity, due to its scientific relevance in the social, cultural, economic and environmental fields. In turn, of great need to understand the processes of change and the new transformative values ​​of our cities and territories.

In the master's degree, the student will acquire in-depth knowledge of the leadership and management tools of the creative industries, sustainable urban/territorial transformation, and entrepreneurship in the creative and innovation sector, with important business opportunities today. All this is because, at the heart of this new Creative Economy, we continue to find the Creative Industries (ICCs) that are located at that intersection between art, culture, business, and technology and that continue to be one of the most dynamic sectors of the world. world trade, capable of reactivating the economic activity of a neighborhood, city, or territory. For this reason, this master's degree seeks to professionalize this growing sector, a source of attractive jobs not only in the more traditional cultural sector but also in creative services such as consulting or advisory services, cultural and creative tourism, design or branding-city, and with a look towards local development as the protagonist of change.

The master's degree also proposes its concept of the Creative City/Creative Territory as an alternative to industrial decline and as an opportunity for the new emerging world economies. In this sense, the master's degree offers good training for the preparation of strategic plans for urban or territorial transformation, through its model that is developed in these 4 strategic axes: 1.- Innovation-Flexibility, 2.- Identity, 3.- Sustainability-Connectivity and 4.- Emotion, which makes it possible to define the Creative City as an innovative-flexible city, an identity and cultural city, a sustainable and connected city and an emotional and vital city. In short, we are talking about a more humane city, with a Humanist City.

All of the above justifies the need for specific training to understand what the Creative Economy is and why it is a source of attractive jobs. A Creative Economy that is talked about so much today at all levels, from international organizations such as the UN (UNCTAD), the European Commission, or UNESCO; or at national State levels, with the creation of Ministries or State Secretariats of Creative Economy; or at a local level, on the agendas of all municipal administrations, a policy regarding creative industries and creative cities is currently being considered.

Therefore, it is convenient to establish these new concepts, understand the new urban and territorial dynamics, an in-depth study of the direction and management tools of the creative industries, promote a new type of leadership, study the processes of urban and territorial transformation and learn to develop strategic plans to turn them into Creative Cities and Territories. As the great biologist Maturana would say, the autopoiesis of the system is addressed, which requires a significant dose of individual and collective creativity.


We could establish 4 axes when it comes to structuring the objectives of this master's degree:

1st- "Axis - Entrepreneur and Innovator": - In this sense, we intend to emphasize the development of the entrepreneurial and innovative capacity of the student to start up his business idea in the cultural, creative, or technological sectors, accompanying him in all his Business Plan in the Creativity and Innovation Sector. It is about understanding the importance of the private initiative in the revitalization of Culture, Creativity, and Innovation of a territory, emphasizing the relevant role of the businessman and the entrepreneur in the evolutionary and change contexts, being able to navigate in uncertain environments, to generate employment and self-employment, taking advantage of new business opportunities.

2nd- "Axis - Institutional": - Understand the importance of the network model as an alternative to the institutional model in crisis. A new, more flexible model that allows new ways of working and living adapted to the new Covid-19 normality. The student will be provided with the necessary management and business management tools to lead both public and private institutions and organizations in this evolving environment that requires new models of emotional, participatory, and supportive leadership.

3º- "Axis - Cultural and Creative":- Culture, Creativity, and Innovation will be addressed as transversal axes to energize and generate value for the entire Economy. In this sense, the different fields of action of the different Creative Industries and the most appropriate models for their direction and management will be studied: - Heritage and Cultural Heritage; - The Visual or Dramatic Arts; -Publishers and Printed Media; - Audiovisual: cinema, broadcasting, television, and radio; - Design: Fashion, Interiors, Graphic and Jewelry; - New Media: digital content, software, games, and animation; Creative Services: Architecture, Advertising, R&D and cultural services. We also include in the Creative Sector, the relational or transforming sectors that are so important today such as Cultural Tourism, Education, Sports, and Innovation. About,

4th- “Social Axis”: - Understanding Culture as the fourth pillar of sustainable development and the central axis on which economic, social, and environmental development is based. Culture is not only a generator of wealth and employment but also an important element of social cohesion and quality of life in a society. The student will be able to develop and manage creative and innovative projects aimed at the local development of a specific territory or the transformation of a specific city, turning it into a scenario for innovation and creativity.

5th “Axis – Innovation”: Understanding the multidimensional nature of Innovation: cultural and artistic innovation, social and territorial innovation, economic and technological innovation.

6th Axis – “Sustainable Urban and Territorial”: Learn to elaborate Strategic Plans for the Transformation of Cities and Territories into Creative ones. Understand the new models of Governance in the current framework of the Creative Economy, as well as understand the importance of developing a comprehensive city project, with its own identity, that responds to a concept or an idea. Also, it will be a priority objective to study the essential strategic resources today and the design of indicators that allow us to reposition our cities and territories without losing sight of sustainable development and the 2030 Agenda.

The achievement of these priority objectives will determine very clear and specific Professional Opportunities :

  • Creation of your own company and implementation of your business plan in the Cultural, Creative, or Innovation Sector.
  • Lead or manage institutions or public autonomous bodies, or cultural, creative, and innovative projects for them.
  • Direct creativity and innovation departments in private and public companies.
  • Carry out creative services as a consultant for strategic and action plans for international and cooperation organizations such as the UN, and UNESCO, among others.
  • Work for local public administrations in local development, cultural and creative tourism, strategic plans for regeneration and urban or territorial transformation, in marketing or city branding.
  • In communication or design companies in the development of strategic plans and conceptual design.



Program Outcome

Program Tuition Fee

About the School
