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UDIMA - Universidad a Distancia de Madrid Master's Degree in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency
UDIMA - Universidad a Distancia de Madrid

Master's Degree in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency

Madrid, Spain

12 Months


Part time

18 Sep 2023

25 Sep 2023

EUR 5,460 / per course *

Distance Learning

* price of the complete master's degree in a single payment


In recent years there has been an unprecedented growth in the energy sector at European and international level, in response to social, political and economic demands to bet on a better use of energy and for its generation through sources non-polluting for the environment. The Renewable Energy Action Plans, at both national and international level, suggest a highly competitive labor market in the coming years in the areas of energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies, in which there is already a great demand for professionals trained in these areas, but also with a high level of demand in terms of theoretical and practical knowledge, only achievable through university studies.

The University Master's Degree in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency offers engineers, technical engineers, architects and technical architects the possibility of acquiring the necessary knowledge and experience on the exploitation and management of renewable energies (solar, wind, biomass and biofuels, etc. ), knowledge of electricity markets and their pricing, energy auditing, energy rating of buildings, bioclimatic architecture, facility legislation, internationalization, and in general, all project management based on energy efficiency or renewable energies, to be able to compete in the current and future labor market in this growing field of professional activity.

The teachings corresponding to the Master in Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency are official and the study plan is published in BOE number 67 of March 19, 2014.

Addressed to

This master's degree is aimed at people with the following university studies:

  • Engineering degrees
  • Engineers and technical engineers
  • Architects and technical architects

Main objective of the Master

The main objective of the Master is the presentation and implementation of the necessary notions to implement and exploit the main renewable energy sources, presentation of the principles on which energy service companies are based, of the monitoring and optimization tools of consumption and the frameworks for the application of auditing, legislation and energy rating of buildings, projects and facilities. It is also intended to publicize the value chain of renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, paying special attention to the econometric analysis of these projects and their emerging energy market. In this way, the Master deals with providing comprehensive theoretical and practical training in everything related to the exploitation of renewable energies and the management, legislation and audit of energy efficiency in projects, facilities and buildings.

In this Master, the main objective is that the student can put into practice the knowledge acquired with the training program, thus achieving that it is a tremendously practical and really useful program, which provides the student with skills that increase their employability and capabilities. professionals. As an example, you can see a small summary of the project of Commissioning of the photovoltaic and solar thermal installation of the UDIMA , carried out by students of this Master in our facilities: "Commissioning of the photovoltaic and solar thermal installation of the UDIMA ".

Teaching system

UDIMA training model is based on distance education, making intensive use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to facilitate the educational process.

UDIMA learning evaluation system contemplates carrying out and, where appropriate, overcoming different types of activities. The percentage weights established to evaluate the activities of each subject will be described in detail in the file of each module or subject contained in the teaching planning and will be established from the maximum and minimum established in the following table:

Participation in learning activities




Continuous Assessment Activities (AEC):


Face-to-face final exam




In all subjects, the student is monitored academically through the qualification of didactic activities based on the characteristics of the European Higher Education Area.


The UDIMA methodology is based on a distance learning system that promotes continuous assessment and "learning-by-doing" in an environment of closeness, accessibility and real-time interaction between the teacher and the student, through information technologies. and communication.

The teaching-learning process is developed through Virtual Classrooms in which students have at their disposal a Teaching Guide with the planning of the subject. The teaching methodology ensures the acquisition of knowledge and professional and personal skills through a continuous assessment system embodied in didactic activities, self-assessment questionnaires and a final face-to-face exam.

To promote the study and training of the student, the following training actions are developed:

  1. Study the Didactic Units through the didactic material made available to the student and designed for online study: manuals, books, articles and other bibliography related to the subjects under study.
  2. Develop educational training activities through assumptions, practical cases and questionnaires, using the tools of online teaching platforms.
  3. Carry out activities that involve the search and management of information.
  4. Prepare studies, reports, projects that launch professional skills.
  5. Offer a tutorial action at the permanent disposal of the student that allows a correct teaching-learning process, using follow-up strategies such as online or telephone tutorials.
  6. Develop an evaluation process in continuous action that allows the reorientation of the learning process.
  7. Carry out curricular and extracurricular internships in specialized centers to achieve the professional skills of the degree.
  8. Promote research capacities through didactic strategies such as project formulation, data analysis, study of results, drawing of conclusions and handling of bibliography.
  9. Develop oral presentation skills and defense of academic papers using the possibilities of office automation teaching tools.

Professional outings

  • Manager of energy facilities.
  • Energy Efficiency Specialist.
  • Responsible for the management of Energy Services Companies.
  • Auditor or energy consultant for companies.
  • Engineer specialized in energy projects and especially those related to renewables.
  • Analyst to determine the Economic Viability of international energy projects.
  • Technicians and / or directors of renewable energy and / or energy saving projects.

About the School
