Performance Coaching and Development (Online Learning) MSc, PgCert, PgDip
2 up to 6 Years
Part time
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GBP 15,200 / per course *
Distance Learning
* Estimated total tuition fees for Performance Coaching and Development (MSc) | PgCert: £5,070 | PgDip: £10,135
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This unique online MSc in Performance Coaching and Development has been designed for practising coaches, coach developers and associated professionals who want to extend their knowledge and understanding of coaching and coach development in the workplace.
Our innovative programme offers the opportunity for coaches with;
- academic and non-academic backgrounds
- experience in coaching settings such as sports, tactical athletes, professional development, and education
to work in a stimulating environment with a uniquely skilled team that combines real-world coaching expertise with development and sector-leading research.
Online learning
Our MSc in Performance Coaching and Development has been developed to complement the work of and develop active coaches, coach developers and associated professionals to provide evidence-informed support in their workplace.
All students will require reliable broadband access for the duration of the programme.
We will use blended online learning methods; discussions, short, pre-recorded lectures, small group seminars, live tutorials, guided supervision and 1:1’s to create a dynamic, collaborative environment to share experiences, expertise and professional development.
Our expert team will support you through every stage of the programme as you develop in a positive, supportive, and constructive online learning community.
The flexible learning environment means you learn at times and locations that best suit you, making this programme suitable for high-calibre busy professionals who want to update and extend their knowledge.
The programme is developed and delivered at the University of Edinburgh, a World Top 30 University (QS Rankings 2025) by coaching specialists from:
- The Applied Coaching Research Group - this thriving group generates over 20 peer-review papers and invited book chapters a year in the applied science of coaching.
- The Olympic Research Centre - the IOC-accredited Olympic Research Centre for the UK (in partnership with Bath University), driving major projects including a longitudinal study of injury, health, and wellbeing in Olympians.
- The Scottish Centre for Olympic Research (SCORE) - providing education and research in sociocultural aspects of Olympism.
The course has an applied focus on the future career needs of students and uses a broad range of assessments that include:
- presentations
- essays
- critical reviews of literature and coaching practice
- independent and supervised research
- reports
- a final research project that enables students to focus on innovation, creativity and flexibility in their coaching domain that can be written as a dissertation or journal article
You will become part of an online community of coaches and tutors from various coaching domains that allow you to enhance your interpersonal, self-management, IT, teamwork, and research skills.
The University of Edinburgh is a World Top 30 University (QS World University Rankings 2025).
Scholarships and Funding
The Masters in Performance Coaching and Development is delivered part-time and fully online and you can take the course over a 24 to 72-month period. The programme combines academic study with practical application based on your coaching practice.
The possible outcomes and, therefore, the level of commitment is extremely flexible. The MSc programme comprises 6 taught courses, each worth 20 credits and a final dissertation worth 60 credits.
You can graduate with a full MSc Performance Coaching and Development by completing 180 credits or exit earlier with a Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits) or a Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits).
For example, to exit with a Postgraduate Certificate in Performance Coaching and Development, you will complete courses in:
- Managing the Coaching Process (20 credits)
- Diagnostic Analysis of Coaching Practice (20 credits)
- Performance Development and Expertise (20 credits)
Or to exit with a Postgraduate Diploma, you will complete a further three courses:
- Coach Development (20 credits)
- Developing Professional Expertise (20 credits)
- Real World Research in Performance (20 credits)
To graduate with a full MSc in Performance Coaching and Development, you will also complete a final research project:
- Coaching Dissertation (60 credits)
Course Adaptability and Flexibility
Once you have completed the Managing the Coaching Process course, you take the four core courses concluding with the Real World Research in Performance course in which you will plan your final Coaching Dissertation. This flexibility enables you to fit your studies around your coaching commitments.
Program Outcome
The programme aims to develop:
- Coaches as professional, lifelong learners who are capable of designing career-long learning opportunities for themselves and others.
- Coaches who are critical thinkers, able to assess and evaluate the quality of knowledge, theories, and policy that informs their coaching practice.
- Coaches who are able to identify the challenges that inform coaching research.
- Coaches with specialist research skills; able to analyse, critique and evaluate coaching programmes, practices and processes.
- Coaches, capable of designing impactful interventions that develop performance.
- Coaches as learners with transferable skills that are able to conceive, construct and implement socially responsible contributions to the coaching field.
Career Opportunities
Career paths are diverse given the global nature of coaching and the programme. These include:
- coaching and coaching development
- coaching consultancy
- national and international sporting and coaching organisations
- performance management
- performance planning
- teaching in further and higher education