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Rushford Business School Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in International Business (Online)
Rushford Business School

Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) in International Business (Online)

2 up to 3 Years


Part time

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Distance Learning


The Rushford Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a 180 ECTS credits doctoral program designed to equip business students, managers, practitioners, and leaders with high-level knowledge, research, and analytical skills so that they can apply these personal and professional attributes to solve the most complex business problems. In contrast to programs at the master level, the DBA program focuses on the application of theory to real-world business challenges. Students are expected to go through a transformative learning process that enhances their research skills, so they view business situations differently with an emphasis on applying research methods and finding solutions that lead to organizational efficiency, growth, and long-term sustainability.

This is a flexible though rigorous program that can be completed 100% online. Students define the pace at which they complete the program. Based on the Pathway that the student chooses (Coursework vs Research), the duration of the program will vary significantly. Most students are expected to achieve the qualification within 3 years of joining the program. However, the research Pathway can lead to the qualification in less than 3 years.

The Rushford DBA in Internation Business program focuses on applied research so that executives, managers, and practitioners can start applying what they learn in the program in their organizations in real-time. We focus on ensuring that our students develop a very high level of expertise in all areas of international business. The coursework will also focus on the enhancement of research skills, writing skills, presentation skills, critical and analytical thinking skills, and change management skills.

The Rushford DBA program can be completed either through a coursework-based Pathway or a research-based Pathway. More information is available on these Pathways in the courses section of this program page.

Rushford offers Recognition of Prior Experience (RPE) and thus a formal master’s degree is not mandatory for entering this program. However, a prior bachelor’s degree is mandatory for entry into this program.



EduQua Certified Swiss Institution

Rushford Business School s certified by EduQua, a Swiss quality label for further education institutions. EduQua is an accreditation body recognized and supported by the Swiss Confederate Government.

EduQua is the first quality certification for public and private educational institutions in Switzerland and is recognized, supported, and endorsed by the following organizations:

  • Swiss Federal Government
  • Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK)
  • State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
  • Swiss Conference for Professional Training department (SBBK)
  • Swiss Association of Employment Departments (VSAA)
  • Swiss Federation for Adult Learning (SVEB)


Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

Rushford Business School is a member of the “Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)

ACBSP is the only global accrediting body, which accredits business programs at the associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degree levels worldwide since 1988. Rushford Business School is part of a membership that extends to more than 60 countries. ACBSP members are amongst the best educators in their respective fields, interested in learning innovative teaching methods, improving the delivery of business education programs, and creating value for their students.


United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)

Rushford Business School is a proud supporter and Signatory of the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education (UN PRME). PRME is an initiative of the United Nations Global Compact founded in 2007 as a platform to encourage and increase awareness and integration of sustainability in business schools around the world.

Today, PRME is the largest coordinated effort between the world’s business schools and the United Nations. Rushford Business School became a PRME signatory in 2020. As a school, we understand the privilege and responsibility of providing quality education that gives learners the knowledge and tools they need to succeed, change lives, and transform societies.


International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE)

Rushford Business School is a member of the “International Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE)”

The IACBE accredits business programs that lead to degrees at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels in institutions of higher education worldwide. All modes of delivery, campuses, locations, and instructional sites, as well as all business programs regardless of degree level, will normally be included in the IACBE accreditation review.


Swiss Higher Educational Institution

Rushford Business School is an approved post-secondary higher educational Institution with the authority to award private degrees in Switzerland.

Read more on the institution's website

Program Outcome

Career Opportunities



Program Tuition Fee

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
