Master in Project Management in International Cooperation
Madrid, Spain
12 Months
Part time
Request application deadline
Sep 2023
EUR 4,000 / per year
Distance Learning
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Master in Project Management in International Cooperation
It provides a comprehensive vision of International Cooperation, especially that linked to development projects that allows understanding in its complexity the different factors that can influence successful management and knowing how to carry out the best recommended practices.
Train in the efficient management of cooperation instruments such as financial funds and available aid and international regulations in force in each sector of activity.
Train professionals who manage International Cooperation and particularly the projects that make it up with an approach based on processes in which the different actors of the project are integrated, who frequently use different cultural keys and who train them to direct the complete cycle of the same from the phase of programming until closing and to know how to anticipate eventual incidents that affect its sustainability.
High-quality methodology with a collaborative approach and teamwork that allows the exchange of experiences between teachers and students who are in turn in different cultural environments.
IT IS A VERY IMPORTANT ASPECT OF THE ORGANIZATION OF THIS COURSE, in order to guarantee the quality of the program and permanent support for students. This follow-up and support for the teaching of the master's degree is specified in the following three sections:
• The course is supported by 480 hours (40 per month) of follow-up tutoring and support for students.
• The teachers of the subjects will resolve queries as specialists in each subject and evaluate the work of the students.
• The Director will monitor the Program in order to guarantee coordination, the global vision of the content on the part of the students and the quality of the programme. You will also participate in periodic contextualization sessions. In these tasks you will invest about 240 hours (20 per month).
MODULE 1. Company management
• Company Policy
• Financial Economic Management.
• Human resources management.
• Quality in Project Management.
• Purchasing Management.
• Commercialization of Projects.
• Management skills
• Business Creation Projects.
• Legal aspects of the projects.
MODULE 2: Project Management in the Organization
• Project Management in the Organization.
• Project Management Methodology
• Definition and planning of projects
• Execution, control, monitoring and closure of projects.
• Computer tools for project management
MODULE 3: International Cooperation.
• Concepts and agents of international cooperation
• Generation of International Cooperation projects
• Execution of International Cooperation and Official Development Assistance projects.
• Management of sectoral projects of International Cooperation: Economic and technological development projects.
• Management of sectorial projects of International Cooperation: Basic social development projects.
• Structure and management of knowledge in International Cooperation