Wind Energy Systems - Diplomas of Advanced Studies
Kassel, Germany
1 Years
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EUR 6,000 *
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Our Diploma of Advanced Studies (DAS)
The Wind Energy Systems DAS allow you to specialize in different aspects of wind energy. Each of them exists of five carefully selected modules that will teach you exactly that knowledge which you need to achieve your goal. All modules are part of our master's program Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems which was designed for natural scientists and engineers who want to become part of the wind energy industry.
Full Flexibility – 100% Online
WES.online enables you to educate yourself besides your full-time job – anytime and everywhere in the world. All modules are taught 100% in the English language and online in virtual classrooms. You can choose to attend a lecture live or access the recording at a later point. There is no need to visit us for taking an exam, as they take place online as well. Each DAS can be completed within two semesters (one year), but you can choose to study them within a longer time period.
Learn from Experts
WES.online is the result of a collaboration between experts of three different areas:
- Experts in wind power settled at the University of Kassel, one of Germany´s leading universities in the field of sustainability.
- Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE) - a division of Europe´s leading research institute Fraunhofer.
- Experts working in the wind industry.
In Short
- Type of Course: 100% Online
- Language: English
- Exams: Online
- Credits per Diploma of Advanced Studies: 30
- Institutions: University of Kassel, Fraunhofer IEE, UNIKIMS Management School
- Accreditation: All modules are accredited by the German Accreditation Council (Akkreditierungsrat)
7 Diplomas – 7 Focus Areas
Diploma of Advanced Studies 1: Scientifically Oriented Fundamentals of Wind Energy Systems
The content of the DAS Scientifically Oriented Fundamentals of Wind Energy Systems covers all essential topics that are crucial for the understanding of an economically and ecologically efficient wind energy system. It transmits basic mathematical knowledge and answers electrical questions as well as questions of fluid and solid mechanics to simulation. This DAS covers all basic modules of the master program and qualifies you both to continue studying the entire program or to specialize in specific aspects of wind energy in form of our other certificates.
Diploma of Advanced Studies 2: Electrical Engineering of Wind Energy Systems
One of today's most important topics is the integration of renewables into the power grid. One aspect of interest is the immediate impact of the volatile generation on the grid which is impacted by the different designs of the components and systems. If you are interested to learn more about the challenges related to local grid integration and about different possibilities to achieve the smooth and reliable operation of the local grid, then the DAS in electrical engineering is the perfect choice for you.
Diploma of Advanced Studies 3: Computational Wind Energy Systems
This DAS provides profound knowledge of computational methods used for the static and dynamic analysis of wind energy converters and the surrounding wind and water flows on an expert level. The goal of the DAS is not only to enable engineers to apply existing commercial software packages of structural and fluid mechanics in a sophisticated manner as the basis for reliable prognoses of the mechanical behaviour of wind turbines but also to improve the quality of numerical methods and to develop more realistic models of wind energy systems. These aspects are fundamental ingredients for the engineering optimization of state-of-the-art wind turbines and their future innovative designs with higher energy efficiency, lifetime, degree of capacity utilization and robustness with regard to extreme load cases.
Diploma of Advanced Studies 4: Integration of Wind Power into the Electricity Supply System
The fluctuation of wind power and the more decentralized production of wind power require complex solutions for successful grid integration. The DAS 'Integration of Wind Power in the Electricity Supply System' gives you the opportunity to study the increasingly important issue of the integration of wind power into the power supply system. The DAS focuses on technical, administrative and legal barriers and challenges that are to be considered for the successful integration of wind power and other renewable energy and conventional technologies into the grid.
Diploma of Advanced Studies 5: Fluid Mechanics of Wind Energy Systems
Wind energy systems convert airflow energy into electrical energy. Besides the flow around the rotor blades, flows in cooling devices, bearings and other mechanical engineering components are important for the rotor blades´ functionality. If you are interested in learning the basics of designing fluid mechanical components and applying modern calculation methods for fluid flow simulations, the DAS FMW is the right choice for you.
Diploma of Advanced Studies 6: Structural Mechanics of Wind Energy Systems
The deformation of engineering structures and ultimately their strength and reliability under both extreme and everyday service loads are key subjects of Structural Mechanics. In particular, wind energy systems are subject to extensive loading and providers must ensure safe operation for at least 20 years. To qualify as an engineer in this essential field of wind energy, the DIploma of Advanced Studies SMW is just what you need.
Diploma of Advanced Studies 7: Wind Energy Converter Systems
The DAS 'Wind Energy Converter Systems' is focused on engineering, planning and managing aspects of wind turbine technology, wind turbines, and wind farms. It provides knowledge about classical and recently developed wind turbine components. Design and analysis methods for modern on- and offshore foundations, towers, rotor blades, and nacelle systems will be taught. Modules about planning, management, administration of wind turbines and wind parks will complete the profile of project responsible wind engineers.
Program Tuition Fee
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.