ONLINE International Certificate in Fundamentals of Protocol in the Company
100 Hours
Part time
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EUR 450 / per course
Distance Learning
Explore scholarship opportunities to help fund your studies
The objective of the course is to provide the student with knowledge of the protocol in the field of companies and unofficial organizations, seeking the application of protocol techniques that respond to current demands.
The specific objectives of the course are:
- Become familiar with the specific protocol for the company and with the organizational solutions of private entities.
- Manage the creation of the internal protocol manual in the company and its contents.
- Master the general planning, management and structuring of the protocol and institutional relations department, as well as its relations with society.
- Identify the protocol as a business management tool
The “Fundamentals of business protocol” Course will be developed following an online training methodology, with a total duration of 100 hours that can be carried out over two months from the moment the student registers for the course.
El curso estará dividido académicamente en dos bloques de contenido que se impartirán con la siguiente metodología:
Formación teórica
El alumno recibirá, tras inscribirse, diversos textos en formato digital para el estudio del contenido teórico, a los que accederá mediante clave personalizada igual que al resto de material formativo en el campus virtual de la EIP www.aulaeip.com
Formación práctica
A través del campus virtual, el alumno deberá ir realizando determinados ejercicios relacionados con las enseñanzas teóricas y sobre las que se evaluará su grado de conocimiento.
También participará en foros con el resto de alumnos junto con el profesorado para comentar la actualidad protocolaria y resolución de dudas.
La plataforma virtual está diseñada para favorecer y facilitar un entorno de aprendizaje dinámico orientado a objetivos cuya facilidad en su uso motivan al estudiante y dinamizan su progreso.
Block 1. General issues about communication and protocol in the company
- Introducción
- A new company in a new world
- Comprehensive communication management
- The different tools of the administration of comprehensive communication management
- Communication in private institutions
Block 2. Frequent acts. Practical Guide
- Classification of company acts
- General precedences in the company
- The general protocol of the events
- The presidencies of the events
- The stages
- The protocol for guests
- The treatment of the authorities
- Symbols in the company
- Business gifts
- Company invitations
- The media at company events
Block 3. Specific acts of the company
- The quality procedure in the internal organization of the institution as an element of communication
- The institutional acts of the company
- The inaugurations
- First stone
- Other specific acts
- The General Meeting of Shareholders
Block 4. The systematization of the internal protocol
- Company vehicles
- Travel organization
- The company dining room
- The company's protocol service