Specialization in Electronic Commerce
Guatemala City, Guatemala
12 Months
Part time
Request application deadline
Jul 2024
GTQ 15,000 / per year *
Distance Learning
* qualification; Q15,000 - diploma; Q12,000
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This specialization presented by Universidad Panamericana through the High Level Business School provides knowledge and tools for the process of buying and selling products by electronic means, such as mobile applications and the Internet. E-commerce refers to both online retail and online shopping, as well as electronic transactions.
Addressed to
- Professionals who seek to reconvert their profile through a specialization.
- Executives looking to lead e-commerce within their organizations.
- Entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses through electronic sales.
Competences to develop
- Applies electronic marketing techniques to improve company performance
- Define operation strategies for e-commerce sales
- Applies customer service strategies for customer loyalty and product distribution.
Duration and execution
- 10 months of study dedicated to specialization for 400 hours.
- 2 months of development of a graduation project.
Admission profile
- Professional graduated and graduated at the degree level of any university degree from a university recognized by CEPS in Guatemala or a recognized university in the country of origin.
- University degree: Specialization in Electronic Commerce.
- People with university studies and work experience but do not have a degree level.
- Diploma: Specialization in Electronic Commerce.
Registration requirements
Legible photocopy of identification document – DPI, Form, Registration payment, delivery of degree stationery when applicable.
Graduation administrative processes
Students who have closed their curriculum and approved their final project report for this specialization from Universidad Panamericana (Guatemala), must complete the following steps of the graduation administrative process:
University degree specialization
- Be enrolled in the Universidad Panamericana as a regular student.
- Request their cash solvency, stating that they have no debts with the University.
- Request library solvency.
- Request solvency in Academic Control.
- With the respective solvencies, request the respective opinions from the faculty secretary.
- Submit to the Secretary of the Vice-Rectory the printed version of the result of your final work, including the opinions for a final revision of the form in the main pages of the document that will be sent to print.
- When the graduation work is printed, three printed copies and one digital version will be delivered to the central library and one will be filed in the dean's office.
- The Dean will set the graduation date and protocol.
- Be enrolled in the Universidad Panamericana as a regular student.
- Request their cash solvency, stating that they have no debts with the University.