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Escuela de Negocios Alto Nivel - Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala MBA
Escuela de Negocios Alto Nivel - Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala


Guatemala City, Guatemala

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Jul 2024

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An MBA (Master in Business Administration) is defined as the most advanced studies, from a professional and academic perspective, in the direction and management of companies. The challenges of the business environment demand professionals capable of creating and running companies of all kinds at a national and international level.

Given this, the Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Universidad Panamericanapursues the training of professionals in the different key areas of the management and administration of a company, in its creation and development process, in the assumption of responsibilities and in the development of the main managerial competences.


100% Online with specialized tutors.

Career Description

The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is defined as the most advanced studies, from a professional and academic perspective, in the direction and management of companies. The challenges of the business environment demand professionals capable of creating and running companies of all kinds at a national and international level. Given this, the Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Universidad Panamericana (Guatemala), pursues the training of professionals in the different key areas of the management and administration of a company, in its creation and development process, in the assumption of responsibilities and in the development of the main managerial competencies. To this end, the Master's Degree presents a learning and specialization program in the best management practices and in the development of the necessary skills and attitudes that facilitate decision-making and the resolution of business problems, which students as executives in the real world and in their day to day they can face and carry out all these procedures and decision making based on and supported by business simulators from the technological partner CompanyGame®.

Professional field

It is the perfect option for those who want to run a company or corporation and have excellent analytical skills, since they will have to learn to deal and do business with real and potential clients. All organizations include within their staff a business consultant; who is in charge of supporting making all decisions for the benefit of the company A professional, regardless of his career, but with an MBA he fits perfectly within that position and work profile since he is trained for it. Students who access and fully pass the Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Universidad Panamericana (Guatemala) in addition to having these acquired skills and knowledge, access a degree with validation endorsed by CEPS. Professionals who have an MBA within their curriculum can become expert managers of different projects: from those related to information technology, to assignments in areas of Industrial Engineering, business administrators, human resources and financial managers; Being these professional fields that can choose and deepen with this master's degree, as well as any manager with a profession that wishes to increase their high-level skills.

Professionals who have an MBA within their curriculum can become expert managers of different projects: from those related to information technology, to assignments in areas of Industrial Engineering, business administrators, human resources and financial managers; Being these professional fields that can choose and deepen with this master's degree, as well as any manager with a profession that wishes to increase their high-level skills.

Admission profile

  1. Professional graduated and graduated at the degree level of any university degree from a university recognized by the CEPS in Guatemala.
  2. Possess qualities and attitudes towards respect, appreciation and ethical commitment.
  3. Possess a positive mentality to be able to face and solve problems.
  4. Want to improve decision-making ability after in-depth analysis.
  5. Have verifiable business experience of at least 4 years in middle or senior management positions in companies or ventures.
  6. Comply with the enrollment requirements established at Universidad Panamericana.

Graduation Profile

Graduates of the master's degree are expected to develop the following competencies:

  • Evaluate the environment of the company to make pertinent decisions.
  • Structure strategies for the management of business processes in various functional areas.
  • Manage any field or area of a company based on their skills and professional attitudes.
  • Proposes solutions to business problems or anticipates them, through timely analysis and situational diagnosis.
  • Stimulates the capacity for teamwork among its collaborators during the decision-making process.
  • Apply management and negotiation skills necessary to ensure success in your working life.
  • Evaluate business opportunities in the environment, understanding market signals to use them to your advantage.

Study pensum

Bimester 1

  • Strategy Fundamentals
  • Market analysis

semester 2

  • Corporate culture
  • Management and Finance

semester 3

  • Purchasing and Supplier Management
  • Human Resources Department

semester 4

  • Total quality
  • internationalization

semester 5

  • New Technologies and Globalization
  • digital marketing strategies

semester 6

  • Management and negotiation skills
  • Strategic marketing

semester 7

  • E-commerce
  • Lean Manufacturing

semester 8

  • Innovation and creativity
  • sales address

semester 9

  • Propedeutic Business Simulator
  • Business Simulator Graduation Project

Egress System

Students will graduate by preparing a final degree project that will be developed in the simulators provided for this purpose. The students will have the support of a specialist and the classroom and face-to-face training of the two previous simulators and their final development with the GlobalMarket model described. This point is possible due to the fact that this Master's Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Universidad Panamericana (Guatemala) is professional in nature, which means that graduates have a completely applied and cutting profile, in this case, managerial. For this reason, the traditional thesis and its preparation are accepted and replaced by the use of simulators arranged for this purpose, and the practical application within the virtual environment that is presented of everything learned and received at a theoretical level is evaluated. This will give the student a more enriching and profitable experience for their future by bringing them closer to a business environment in a more direct way.

Discharge Administrative Processes

Students who have closed their curriculum and approved their final report for what was developed in Business Simulator III Final Project (described above) in the Master of Business Administration (MBA) with double degree between the European University of the Atlantic (Spain) and the Pan-American University (Guatemala), they must develop the following steps of the graduation administrative process:

a) Be enrolled in the Universidad Panamericana as a regular student.

b) Request their cash solvency, stating that they have no debts with the University.

c) Request library solvency.

d) Request solvency in Academic Control.

e) With the respective solvencies, request the respective opinions from the faculty secretary.

f) Submit to the Secretary of the Vice-Rectory the printed version of the result of their final work, including the opinions for a last revision of form in the main pages of the document that will be sent to print.

g) When the graduation work is printed, three printed copies and one digital version will be delivered to the central library and one will be filed in the dean's office.

h) The Dean will set the graduation date and protocol.

About the School


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