Master in International e-Business
Madrid, Spain
2 Semesters
Part time
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EUR 2,950 / per year
Distance Learning
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The vertiginous advance of the digital economy in the international context shows a present and future in which companies will have to compete in a globalized scenario, with the Internet as the main business channel and, by its very nature, as a key element in their internationalization. Another reality to take into account is the manifest imbalance between Spanish companies and those of other more thriving economies, which have a longer time span both in integrating digital aspects into their strategies and in the preparation and knowledge of their professionals in your tools.
The Master in International E-Business was born with the aim of contributing to the transformation of our companies and professionals in this new environment and is the result of the fusion of the knowledge necessary to develop an international trade strategy with the digital tools required for the achievement of this objective. ICEX España Exportación e Inversiones provides extensive training experience in the digital training of executives at an international level.
The program combines exhaustive knowledge of the concepts of all the areas that make up the digital business, essentially multidisciplinary, with its corresponding practical application, through numerous real cases of companies of various sizes and sectors. Nothing better than the lessons learned from those with more experience to pave the way for new entrants. This philosophy is materialized in a group of teachers, all of them professionals in the digital sector, who contribute their extensive experience and knowledge to student learning, through a 100% online methodology that allows direct contact between students and teachers through of online tools (forums, chats, web conference sessions, keynote talks, etc.), respecting as much as possible compatibility with professional obligations.
The program is aimed at both those who are new to this field and those professionals who wish to broaden their knowledge and/or apply it to the complexities of the international context. Welcome to this exciting course.
Acquire knowledge, technical skills and competencies in international business management under the new business management models, digital marketing and new technologies.
Analyze the impact of management models derived from the application of the most modern information or communication technologies.
Provide attendees with the opportunity to turn their companies into locomotives in the digital economy in an international environment and turn this knowledge into the main competitive advantage.
Know how to manage companies applying the most advanced and dynamic models, such as those of the digital age.
Integrate the key elements of the digital economy into the internationalization strategy of traditional companies, contributing to the modernization of companies and their international competitiveness.
Develop skills and strategic thinking to internationalize companies using digital tools, promoting the opening of new markets at lower costs and in a more efficient and scalable way.
Understand and interpret innovation and change in management models, adapting the company to the new realities offered by new technologies.
The program is developed entirely with on-line methodology, using the most advanced teaching techniques in this format.
The contents are developed with a strong practical component, which combines:
- Use of technologies such as virtual campus, virtual whiteboard, web conference, forums and collaborative work tools.
- Real cases of companies that will ensure students a practical knowledge of the application of the digital context in the company, aimed at its international expansion.
- Special sessions: master classes by the most relevant professionals from companies and institutions in the digital and international environment.
- Individual and team work, which guarantees the practical application of what has been learned.
The student must carry out a Final Master's Project under the direction of a tutor, consisting of the elaboration of a Business Plan at an international level and focused on the techniques and means of the digital economy.
The maximum number of students in the course is 30, which favors a direct relationship and continuous communication with the teacher and guarantees close training to the student.
The planning of activities, exercises, readings and practical cases is designed so that students dedicate between 12 and 15 hours of work per week.
module 0
The objective of this module is the training of the student with the tools and functionalities of the Virtual Campus.
Phase 1 Digital Internationalization Strategy of the Company
- Digital Strategy
- Information and Analysis of International Markets
- Marketplace Strategy
- Basic Financial and Accounting Concepts
- Business Plan: Financial Plan
- Public and private financing
- Digital Business Plan
Phase 2 Technological Tools for the Internationalization of the Company
- Fundamentals of Technology and Systems to Set Up an Internet Business
- Wordpress workshop with Woocommerce. Create your own online store.
- Security of Information Systems and Technologies
- E-commerce Technology to Set Up an Internet Business
- Trends and New Digital Technologies.
Phase 3 On-Line Marketing for the Internationalization of the Company
- The Digital Marketing Plan. First Steps in Digital Marketing
- Digital Advertising
- Search Engine Marketing
- Methodology 2.0. Web 2.0, Social Networks and Social Media
- Information Sources and Results Monitoring (Digital Analytics)
- Practical Case of Marketing Plan
Phase 4 E-Commerce and International Business Opportunities
- E-commerce Fundamentals: Main Business Models and Sector Data
- Design of an Electronic Commerce Strategy for the Internationalization of the Company. Technology Applicable to E-commerce Environments. Online Payment Methods
- Online marketing applicable to E-commerce. Legal Aspects of Digital Business. Customer Support. Digital Analytics Applicable to E-commerce
- Importance of E-commerce in Mobility
- International E-commerce Operations and Logistics
Master Thesis project
Students will analyze the data of a company and study the feasibility of its international expansion through the creation of an online channel.
The work will be directed by tutors from ICEX-CECO, carrying out its presentation and defense in the month of September.
- Postgraduates with an international vocation and interested in the digital environment.
- Professionals, businessmen or managers of companies and entrepreneurs from any sector who wish to increase their skills to develop their business in the digital environment.
Evaluation and certification
Each student will be evaluated individually based on the work developed and their level of participation in the different modules that make up the Master.
The evaluation procedure and criteria are established for each module and, within each of them, for each evaluable proposed activity.
Once the modules corresponding to the four phases of the program and the Final Master's Project have been completed, the student will receive the Master's Degree in International E-Business.
Enrollment fees amount to 2,950 euros for the complete master's degree, to be paid in one go or in a deferred manner:
- 1,000 euros as a "place reservation" upon notification of final admission to the MBA, within the registration period.
- 10 monthly installments of 195 euros each, which will be effective in the first 10 days of each month, from October 2017 to July 2018, both inclusive. The non-payment of a monthly payment implies the cancellation of the registration and the loss of the place in the course, losing all the rights granted by the registration.
The first payment will be made by bank transfer, the student must send proof of it by email to [email protected].
The rest of the payments will be made by direct debit. The lack of payment of any of these amounts, within the indicated period , will mean the loss of rights.
Those candidates who do not make the reservation payment within the stipulated period will lose their right to the reserved place. Since the payment of the reservation of place constitutes the acquisition of a right, the income made under this concept will not be reimbursed.
The registration fee includes online teaching, documentation and support teaching material in virtual format, as well as the tutorials for the MBA Final Project
ICEX-CECO reserves the right to cancel the program when the number of participants does not reach the minimum established in each case.